Guess What?
A variation on I spy, this game can be played anywhere and builds language skills
Guess What?
0-5 minutes
Time required
5-10 minutes
Household items and/or toys.
How to Play
Offer a description or clues, and have your child identify what you are describing: "We use it to sweep the floor" (a broom). "It is cold, sweet, and good for dessert. I like strawberry" (ice cream).
Some Tips
Have your child describe some things for you to guess. You might need to give some tips or direction like picking something in the same room as you.
Make it Easier
Use items or objects that are familiar or meaningful to your child (This brown bear is something you like to sleep with every night).
Make it Harder
Think about items that relate to other people – Grandpa grew up on a farm and had lots of these animals.
Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development | Reading Rockets.
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