Hitting a Target
Use everyday objects to reach a target while supporting movement skills.

How to Play: Use bowling pins as the target and roll a ball down a cardboard tube to knock them down.
Time required
Can last from a couple minutes to much longer depending on how many times you and your child want to play.
Tubes of different lengths (e.g., paper towel roll, gift wrap roll or something similar), small balls, and a "target" (e.g., a circle, another ball, or bowling pins).
How to Play
Set up the "target" on the floor. Show your child how to play by picking a tube and hold it so it is diagonal with part of the bottom of the tube touching the floor. Roll the ball down the tube towards the target. Next, let your child pick a tube and try themselves.
Some Tips
Have your child hold the tubes at different angles to see how that changes the speed of the balls rolling.
Make it Easier
Bigger targets, with bigger tubes and balls will make this an easier game for your child.
Make it Harder
Smaller targets and balls will make the game harder. You and your child can also set up obstacles to avoid to make the game harder.
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